
From Coq Require Import Lia PeanoNat Relations.

From Mcltt Require Import LibTactics.
From Mcltt.Core Require Import Base.
From Mcltt.Core.Semantic Require Import Evaluation.
From Mcltt.Core.Semantic.Readback Require Import Definitions.
Import Domain_Notations.

Section functional_read.
  Lemma functional_read :
    (forall s m M1,
        {{ Rnf m in s M1 }} ->
        forall M2,
          {{ Rnf m in s M2 }} ->
          M1 = M2) /\
      (forall s m M1,
          {{ Rne m in s M1 }} ->
          forall M2,
            {{ Rne m in s M2 }} ->
            M1 = M2) /\
      (forall s m M1,
          {{ Rtyp m in s M1 }} ->
          forall M2,
            {{ Rtyp m in s M2 }} ->
            M1 = M2).
  Proof with (functional_eval_rewrite_clear; f_equal; solve [eauto]) using.
    apply read_mut_ind; intros; progressive_inversion...

  Corollary functional_read_nf : forall s m M1 M2,
      {{ Rnf m in s M1 }} ->
      {{ Rnf m in s M2 }} ->
      M1 = M2.
    pose proof functional_read; firstorder.

  Lemma functional_read_ne : forall s m M1 M2,
      {{ Rne m in s M1 }} ->
      {{ Rne m in s M2 }} ->
      M1 = M2.
    pose proof functional_read; firstorder.

  Lemma functional_read_typ : forall s m M1 M2,
      {{ Rtyp m in s M1 }} ->
      {{ Rtyp m in s M2 }} ->
      M1 = M2.
    pose proof functional_read; firstorder.
End functional_read.

Hint Resolve functional_read_nf functional_read_ne functional_read_typ : mcltt.

Ltac functional_read_rewrite_clear1 :=
  let tactic_error o1 o2 := fail 3 "functional_read equality between" o1 "and" o2 "cannot be solved by mauto" in
  match goal with
  | H1 : {{ Rnf ^?m in ?s ^?M1 }}, H2 : {{ Rnf ^?m in ?s ^?M2 }} |- _ =>
      clean replace M2 with M1 by first [solve [mauto 2] | tactic_error M2 M1]; clear H2
  | H1 : {{ Rne ^?m in ?s ^?M1 }}, H2 : {{ Rne ^?m in ?s ^?M2 }} |- _ =>
      clean replace M2 with M1 by first [solve [mauto 2] | tactic_error M2 M1]; clear H2
  | H1 : {{ Rtyp ^?m in ?s ^?M1 }}, H2 : {{ Rtyp ^?m in ?s ^?M2 }} |- _ =>
      clean replace M2 with M1 by first [solve [mauto 2] | tactic_error M2 M1]; clear H2
Ltac functional_read_rewrite_clear := repeat functional_read_rewrite_clear1.