
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
From Mcltt Require Import LibTactics.
From Mcltt.Core Require Import Base.
From Mcltt.Core.Syntactic Require Export SystemOpt.
Import Syntax_Notations.

Corollary wf_zero_inversion : forall Γ A,
    {{ Γ zero : A }} ->
    {{ Γ A }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try specialize (IHwf_exp eq_refl)...

Hint Resolve wf_zero_inversion : mcltt.

Corollary wf_succ_inversion : forall Γ A M,
    {{ Γ succ M : A }} ->
    {{ Γ M : }} /\ {{ Γ A }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ eq_refl);

Hint Resolve wf_succ_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_natrec_inversion : forall Γ A M A' MZ MS,
    {{ Γ rec M return A' | zero -> MZ | succ -> MS end : A }} ->
    {{ Γ MZ : A'[Id,,zero] }} /\ {{ Γ, , A' MS : A'[WkWk,,succ(#1)] }} /\ {{ Γ M : }} /\ {{ Γ A'[Id,,M] A }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * H.
  pose (A0 := A).
  dependent induction H;
    try (specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ _ _ _ eq_refl));
    assert {{ Γ s Id : Γ }} by mauto 3;
    repeat split...

Hint Resolve wf_natrec_inversion : mcltt.

Corollary wf_fn_inversion : forall {Γ A M C},
    {{ Γ λ A M : C }} ->
    exists B, {{ Γ, A M : B }} /\ {{ Γ Π A B C }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ _ eq_refl);
    eexists; split...

Hint Resolve wf_fn_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_app_inversion : forall {Γ M N C},
    {{ Γ M N : C }} ->
    exists A B, {{ Γ M : Π A B }} /\ {{ Γ N : A }} /\ {{ Γ B[Id,,N] C }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ _ eq_refl);
    do 2 eexists; repeat split...

Hint Resolve wf_app_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_vlookup_inversion : forall {Γ x A},
    {{ Γ #x : A }} ->
    exists A', {{ #x : A' Γ }} /\ {{ Γ A' A }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    [assert (exists i, {{ Γ A : Type@i }}) as [] by mauto 4 |];
    try (specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ eq_refl));
    eexists; split...

Hint Resolve wf_vlookup_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_exp_sub_inversion : forall {Γ M σ A},
    {{ Γ M[σ] : A }} ->
    exists Δ A', {{ Γ s σ : Δ }} /\ {{ Δ M : A' }} /\ {{ Γ A'[σ] A }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try (specialize (IHwf_exp1 _ _ eq_refl));
    do 2 eexists; split...

Hint Resolve wf_exp_sub_inversion : mcltt.

We omit wf_conv and wf_cumu as they do not give useful inversions

Lemma wf_sub_id_inversion : forall Γ Δ,
    {{ Γ s Id : Δ }} ->
    {{ Γ Δ }}.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H; mautosolve.

Hint Resolve wf_sub_id_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_sub_weaken_inversion : forall {Γ Δ},
    {{ Γ s Wk : Δ }} ->
    exists Γ' A, {{ Γ Γ', A }} /\ {{ Γ' Δ }}.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    repeat eexists; mauto.

Hint Resolve wf_sub_weaken_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_sub_compose_inversion : forall {Γ1 σ1 σ2 Γ3},
    {{ Γ1 s σ1 σ2 : Γ3 }} ->
    exists Γ2, {{ Γ1 s σ2 : Γ2 }} /\ {{ Γ2 s σ1 : Γ3 }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H; mauto.
  specialize (IHwf_sub _ _ eq_refl).
  repeat split...

Hint Resolve wf_sub_compose_inversion : mcltt.

Lemma wf_sub_extend_inversion : forall {Γ σ M Δ},
    {{ Γ s σ,,M : Δ }} ->
    exists Δ' A', {{ Δ', A' Δ }} /\ {{ Γ s σ : Δ' }} /\ {{ Γ M : A'[σ] }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  intros * H.
  dependent induction H;
    try specialize (IHwf_sub _ _ eq_refl);
    repeat eexists...

Hint Resolve wf_sub_extend_inversion : mcltt.