
From Mcltt Require Import LibTactics.
From Mcltt.Core Require Import Base.
From Mcltt.Core.Syntactic Require Export CtxEq.
Import Syntax_Notations.

Ltac gen_presup_ctx H :=
  match type of H with
  | {{ ^?Γ ^?Δ }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let := fresh "HΔ" in
      pose proof presup_ctx_eq H as [ ]
  | {{ ^?Γ ^?Δ }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let := fresh "HΔ" in
      pose proof presup_ctx_sub H as [ ]

Ltac gen_presup_IH presup_exp_eq presup_sub_eq presup_subtyp H :=
  match type of H with
  | {{ ^?Γ ^?M ^?N : ^?A }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let i := fresh "i" in
      let HM := fresh "HM" in
      let HN := fresh "HN" in
      let HAi := fresh "HAi" in
      pose proof presup_exp_eq _ _ _ _ H as [ [HM [HN [i HAi]]]]
| {{ ^?Γ s ^ ^: ^?Δ }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let Hσ := fresh "Hσ" in
      let Hτ := fresh "Hτ" in
      let := fresh "HΔ" in
      pose proof presup_sub_eq _ _ _ _ H as [ [Hσ [Hτ ]]]
| {{ ^?Γ ^?M ^?N }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let i := fresh "i" in
      let HM := fresh "HM" in
      let HN := fresh "HN" in
      pose proof presup_subtyp _ _ _ H as [ [i [HM HN]]]
| {{ ^?Γ ^?M : ^?A }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let i := fresh "i" in
      let HAi := fresh "HAi" in
      pose proof presup_exp H as [ [i HAi]]
| {{ ^?Γ s ^: ^?Δ }} =>
      let := fresh "HΓ" in
      let := fresh "HΔ" in
      pose proof presup_sub H as [ ]
  | _ => gen_presup_ctx H

Lemma presup_exp_eq : forall {Γ M M' A}, {{ Γ M M' : A }} -> {{ Γ }} /\ {{ Γ M : A }} /\ {{ Γ M' : A }} /\ exists i, {{ Γ A : Type@i }}
with presup_sub_eq : forall {Γ Δ σ σ'}, {{ Γ s σ σ' : Δ }} -> {{ Γ }} /\ {{ Γ s σ : Δ }} /\ {{ Γ s σ' : Δ }} /\ {{ Δ }}
with presup_subtyp : forall {Γ M M'}, {{ Γ M M' }} -> {{ Γ }} /\ exists i, {{ Γ M : Type@i }} /\ {{ Γ M' : Type@i }}.
Proof with mautosolve 4.
  1: set (WkWksucc := {{{ WkWk ,, succ #1 }}}).
  all: inversion_clear 1; (on_all_hyp: gen_presup_IH presup_exp_eq presup_sub_eq presup_subtyp);
    clear presup_exp_eq presup_sub_eq presup_subtyp;
    repeat split; mauto 4;
    try (rename B into C); try (rename B' into C'); try (rename A0 into B); try (rename A' into B');
    try (rename N into L); try (rename N' into L');
    try (rename M0 into N); try (rename MZ into NZ); try (rename MS into NS);
    try (rename M'0 into N'); try (rename MZ' into NZ'); try (rename MS' into NS');
    try (rename M' into N').

presup_exp_eq cases
  - assert {{ Γ s Id ,, N Id ,, N' : Γ, }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ B[Id ,, N] B[Id ,, N'] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[Id ,, N] B'[Id ,, N'] : Type@i }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ NZ' : B'[Id ,, zero] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto 3).
    assert {{ Γ, , B NS' : B'[WkWksucc] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto 3).
    assert {{ Γ, , B' NS' : B'[WkWksucc] }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ rec N' return B' | zero -> NZ' | succ -> NS' end : B'[Id ,, N'] }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Γ B[(Id,,N)][σ] B[(Id,,N)σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s (Id,,N)σ σ,,N[σ] : Δ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[(Id,,N)σ] B[σ,,N[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 4.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Γ s Id,,N[σ] : Γ, }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ, s q σ : Δ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B[q σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ B[q σ][(Id,,N[σ])] B[q σ(Id,,N[σ])] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s q σ(Id,,N[σ]) σ,,N[σ] : Δ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[q σ(Id,,N[σ])] B[σ,,N[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[q σ][Id,,N[σ]] B[σ,,N[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ NZ[σ] : B[Id ,, zero][σ] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ [σ] : Type@0 }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ zero : [σ] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s q σ(Id ,, zero) σ ,, zero : Δ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s σ Idσ : Δ }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s σ ,, zero Idσ ,, zero[σ] : Δ, }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ s Idσ ,, zero[σ] (Id ,, zero)σ : Δ, }} by mauto.
    assert {{ Γ s Id ,, zero : Γ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s q σ(Id ,, zero) (Id ,, zero)σ : Δ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[q σ(Id ,, zero)] B[(Id ,, zero)σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[q σ][Id ,, zero] B[Id ,, zero][σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ NZ[σ] : B[q σ][Id ,, zero] }} by mauto 4.
    set (Γ' := {{{ Γ, , B[q σ] }}}).
    assert {{ Γ' s q (q σ) : Δ, , B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ' s q σWkWksucc WkWksuccq (q σ) : Δ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ' s WkWksucc : Γ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ' B[WkWksucc][q (q σ)] B[q σ][WkWksucc] : Type@i }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ' NS[q (q σ)] : B[q σ][WkWksucc] }} by mauto 4.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - eexists...

  - set (recN := {{{ rec N return B | zero -> NZ | succ -> NS end }}}).
    set (IdNrecN := {{{ Id ,, N ,, recN }}}).
    assert {{ Γ : Type@0 }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ recN : B[Id ,, N] }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ, s Wk : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, , B s Wk : Γ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, , B s WkWk : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s WkWksuccIdNrecN (WkWk)IdNrecN ,, (succ #1)[IdNrecN] : Γ, }}
      by (eapply sub_eq_extend_compose_nat; mauto 3).
    assert {{ Γ s IdNrecN : Γ, , B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s (WkWk)IdNrecN : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s (WkWk)IdNrecN Wk(WkIdNrecN) : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s Id,,N : Γ, }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s Wk(WkIdNrecN) Wk(Id,,N) : Γ }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ s (WkWk)IdNrecN Id : Γ }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ #1[IdNrecN] #0[Id ,, N] : }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ #1[IdNrecN] N : }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ succ #1[IdNrecN] succ N : }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ (succ #1)[IdNrecN] succ N : }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ s (WkWk)IdNrecN ,, (succ #1)[IdNrecN] Id ,, succ N : Γ , }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s WkWksuccIdNrecN : Γ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s Id,,succ N : Γ, }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s WkWksuccIdNrecN Id ,, succ N : Γ , }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ B[WkWksuccIdNrecN] B[Id,,succ N] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    enough {{ Γ B[WkWksucc][IdNrecN] B[Id,,succ N] : Type@i }}...

  - eexists...

  - mauto.

  - mauto.

  - assert {{ Γ B : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_left.
    assert {{ Γ B B' : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_eq_max_left.
    assert {{ Γ, B C : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_right.
    assert {{ Γ Π B C Π B' C : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B' N' : C }} by mauto 4.
    enough {{ Γ λ B' N' : Π B' C }}...

  - assert {{ Γ B : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_left.
    assert {{ Γ, B C : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_right...

  - assert {{ Δ B : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_left.
    assert {{ Δ, B C : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_right.
    assert {{ Γ B[σ] : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B[σ] C[q σ] : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ Π B[σ] C[q σ] : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ Π B[σ] C[q σ] Π B[σ] C[q σ] : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B[σ] N[q σ] : C[q σ] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ λ B[σ] N[q σ] : Π B[σ] C[q σ] }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Δ B : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_left.
    assert {{ Δ, B C : Type@(max i i0) }} by mauto 2 using lift_exp_max_right.
    enough {{ Δ Π B C : Type@(max i i0) }}...

  - assert {{ Γ s Id Id : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ B B[Id] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ L L' : B[Id] }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ s Id ,, L Id ,, L' : Γ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[Id ,, L] C[Id ,, L'] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Γ N[σ] : Π B[σ] C[q σ] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto).
    assert {{ Δ L : B[Id] }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ s (Id ,, L)σ Idσ ,, L[σ] : Δ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s (Id ,, L)σ σ ,, L[σ] : Δ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Δ s Id ,, L : Δ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s (Id ,, L)σ : Δ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ C[(Id ,, L)σ] C[σ ,, L[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[Id ,, L][σ] C[σ ,, L[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Γ B[σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B[σ] s q σ : Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B[σ] C[q σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ N[σ] : Π B[σ] C[q σ] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto 2).
    assert {{ Γ L[σ] : B[σ] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s q σ(Id ,, L[σ]) σ ,, L[σ] : Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s Id ,, L[σ] : Γ, B[σ] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s q σ(Id ,, L[σ]) : Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[q σ(Id ,, L[σ])] C[σ ,, L[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[q σ][(Id ,, L[σ])] C[σ ,, L[σ]] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - eexists...

  - set (Id0 := {{{ Id ,, #0 }}}).
    assert {{ Γ, B s Wk : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B B[Wk] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] s Wk : Γ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] s q Wk : Γ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] C[q Wk] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B M[Wk] : (Π B C)[Wk] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B M[Wk] : Π B[Wk] C[q Wk] }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0 : B[Wk] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B s Id0 : Γ, B, B[Wk] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B M[Wk] #0 : C[q Wk][Id0] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B M[Wk] #0 : C[q Wk Id0] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto 3).
    assert {{ Γ, B B[Wk][Id] B[Wk] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0 : B[Wk][Id] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] s WkWk : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B s (WkWk)Id0 : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B s Id WkId0 : Γ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B s WkId Wk(WkId0) : Γ }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B s WkId (WkWk)Id0 : Γ }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] #0 : B[Wk][Wk] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B, B[Wk] #0 : B[WkWk] }} by (eapply wf_conv; mauto 3).
    assert {{ Γ, B s q Wk Id0 (WkWk)Id0 ,, #0[Id0] : Γ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B s (WkWk)Id0 Wk(WkId0) : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B s (WkWk)Id0 WkId : Γ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0[Id0] #0 : B[Wk][Id] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0 #0[Id] : B[Wk][Id] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0[Id0] #0[Id] : B[Wk][Id] }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0[Id0] #0[Id] : B[WkId] }} by (eapply wf_exp_eq_conv; mauto 4).
    assert {{ Γ, B B[WkId] B[(WkWk)Id0] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B #0[Id0] #0[Id] : B[(WkWk)Id0] }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B s (WkWk)Id0 ,, #0[Id0] WkId ,, #0[Id] : Γ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ, B s WkId ,, #0[Id] Id : Γ, B }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Γ, B s q Wk Id0 Id : Γ, B }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ, B C[q Wk Id0] C[Id] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    enough {{ Γ, B M[Wk] #0 : C }}...

  - assert {{ Γ s Wk(σ ,, N') σ : Δ }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ B[Wk(σ ,, N')] B[σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Δ, B s Wk : Δ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s σ ,, N' : Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ B[Wk][σ ,, N'] B[σ] : Type@i }} by mauto 3.
    enough {{ Γ #0[σ ,, N'] : B[Wk][σ ,, N'] }}...

  - assert (exists i, {{ Δ C : Type@i }}) as [i'] by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ s Wk(σ ,, N) σ : Δ }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[Wk(σ ,, N)] C[σ] : Type@i' }} by mauto 4.
    assert {{ Δ, B s Wk : Δ }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Γ s σ ,, N : Δ, B }} by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ C[Wk][σ ,, N] C[σ] : Type@i' }} by mauto 3.
    assert {{ Δ, B #(S x) : C[Wk] }} by mauto 4.
    enough {{ Γ #(S x)[σ ,, N] : C[Wk][σ ,, N] }}...

  - assert (exists i, {{ Δ C : Type@i }}) as []...

presup_sub_eq cases
  - econstructor...

  - assert {{ Γ B[σ] B[σ'] : Type@i }} by mauto 2.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - assert {{ Γ N'[Id] : A[Id] }}...

  - assert {{ Γ N[σ][τ] : B[σ][τ] }} by mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - econstructor...

  - econstructor; mauto 3.
    eapply wf_conv...

  - mauto.

  - assert (exists i, {{ Γ0 A : Type@i }}) as [] by mauto 2.
    assert {{ Γ #0[σ] : A[Wk][σ] }} by mauto 3.
    enough {{ Γ #0[σ] : A[Wkσ] }} by mauto 4.
    eapply wf_conv...

presup_subtyp cases
  - exists (max i i0); split; mauto 3 using lift_exp_max_left, lift_exp_max_right.
  - exists (max (S i) (S j)); split; mauto 3 using lift_exp_max_left, lift_exp_max_right.
  - mauto.

Ltac gen_presup H := gen_presup_IH @presup_exp_eq @presup_sub_eq @presup_subtyp H.

Ltac gen_presups := (on_all_hyp: fun H => gen_presup H); invert_wf_ctx; clear_dups.