
From Mcltt.Algorithmic.Subtyping Require Export Definitions.
From Mcltt.Core Require Import Base.
Import Domain_Notations.

Reserved Notation "Γ '⊢a' M ⟹ A" (in custom judg at level 80, Γ custom exp, M custom exp, A custom nf).
Reserved Notation "Γ '⊢a' M ⟸ A" (in custom judg at level 80, Γ custom exp, M custom exp, A custom exp).

Generalizable All Variables.

Inductive alg_type_check : ctx -> typ -> exp -> Prop :=
| atc_ati :
  `( {{ Γ a M A }} ->
     {{ Γ a A B }} ->
     {{ Γ a M B }} )
where "Γ '⊢a' M ⟸ A" := (alg_type_check Γ A M) (in custom judg) : type_scope
with alg_type_infer : ctx -> nf -> exp -> Prop :=
| ati_typ :
  `( {{ Γ a Type@i Type@(S i) }} )
| ati_nat :
  `( {{ Γ a Type@0 }} )
| ati_zero :
  `( {{ Γ a zero }} )
| ati_succ :
  `( {{ Γ a M }} ->
     {{ Γ a succ M }} )
| ati_natrec :
  `( {{ Γ, a A Type@i }} ->
     {{ Γ a MZ A[Id,,zero] }} ->
     {{ Γ, , A a MS A[WkWk,,succ #1] }} ->
     {{ Γ a M }} ->
     nbe_ty Γ {{{ A[Id,,M] }}} B ->
     {{ Γ a rec M return A | zero -> MZ | succ -> MS end B }} )
| ati_pi :
  `( {{ Γ a A Type@i }} ->
     {{ Γ, A a B Type@j }} ->
     {{ Γ a Π A B Type@(max i j) }} )
| ati_fn :
  `( {{ Γ a A Type@i }} ->
     {{ Γ, A a M B }} ->
     nbe_ty Γ A C ->
     {{ Γ a λ A M Π C B }} )
| ati_app :
  `( {{ Γ a M Π A B }} ->
     {{ Γ a N A }} ->
     nbe_ty Γ {{{ B[Id,,N] }}} C ->
     {{ Γ a M N C }} )
| ati_vlookup :
  `( {{ #x : A Γ }} ->
     nbe_ty Γ A B ->
     {{ Γ a #x B }} )
where "Γ '⊢a' M ⟹ A" := (alg_type_infer Γ A M) (in custom judg) : type_scope.

Hint Constructors alg_type_check alg_type_infer : mcltt.

Scheme alg_type_check_mut_ind := Induction for alg_type_check Sort Prop
with alg_type_infer_mut_ind := Induction for alg_type_infer Sort Prop.
Combined Scheme alg_type_mut_ind from