
From Coq Require Import Equivalence Lia Morphisms Morphisms_Prop Morphisms_Relations PeanoNat Relation_Definitions RelationClasses.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

From Mcltt Require Import LibTactics.
From Mcltt.Core Require Import Base.
From Mcltt.Core.Semantic Require Import PER.CoreTactics PER.Definitions.
Import Domain_Notations.

Add Parametric Morphism R0 `(R0_morphism : Proper _ ((@relation_equivalence domain) ==> (@relation_equivalence domain)) R0) A ρ A' ρ' : (rel_mod_eval R0 A ρ A' ρ')
    with signature (@relation_equivalence domain) ==> iff as rel_mod_eval_morphism.
  split; intros []; econstructor; try eassumption;
    [> eapply R0_morphism; [symmetry + idtac |]; eassumption ..].

Add Parametric Morphism f a f' a' : (rel_mod_app f a f' a')
    with signature (@relation_equivalence domain) ==> iff as rel_mod_app_morphism.
  intros * HRR'.
  split; intros []; econstructor; try eassumption;
    apply HRR'; eassumption.

Lemma per_bot_sym : forall m n,
    {{ Dom m n per_bot }} ->
    {{ Dom n m per_bot }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * H s.
  pose proof H s.

Hint Resolve per_bot_sym : mcltt.

Lemma per_bot_trans : forall m n l,
    {{ Dom m n per_bot }} ->
    {{ Dom n l per_bot }} ->
    {{ Dom m l per_bot }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * Hmn Hnl s.
  pose proof (Hmn s, Hnl s).

Hint Resolve per_bot_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_bot_PER : PER per_bot.
  - eauto using per_bot_sym.
  - eauto using per_bot_trans.

Lemma var_per_bot : forall {n},
    {{ Dom !n !n per_bot }}.
  intros ? ?. repeat econstructor.

Hint Resolve var_per_bot : mcltt.

Lemma per_top_sym : forall m n,
    {{ Dom m n per_top }} ->
    {{ Dom n m per_top }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * H s.
  pose proof H s.

Hint Resolve per_top_sym : mcltt.

Lemma per_top_trans : forall m n l,
    {{ Dom m n per_top }} ->
    {{ Dom n l per_top }} ->
    {{ Dom m l per_top }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * Hmn Hnl s.
  pose proof (Hmn s, Hnl s).

Hint Resolve per_top_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_top_PER : PER per_top.
  - eauto using per_top_sym.
  - eauto using per_top_trans.

Lemma per_bot_then_per_top : forall m m' a a' b b' c c',
    {{ Dom m m' per_bot }} ->
    {{ Dom ( a b) c m ( a' b') c' m' per_top }}.
  intros * H s.
  pose proof H s.
  eexists; split; constructor; eassumption.

Hint Resolve per_bot_then_per_top : mcltt.

Lemma per_top_typ_sym : forall m n,
    {{ Dom m n per_top_typ }} ->
    {{ Dom n m per_top_typ }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * H s.
  pose proof H s.

Hint Resolve per_top_typ_sym : mcltt.

Lemma per_top_typ_trans : forall m n l,
    {{ Dom m n per_top_typ }} ->
    {{ Dom n l per_top_typ }} ->
    {{ Dom m l per_top_typ }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  intros * Hmn Hnl s.
  pose proof (Hmn s, Hnl s).

Hint Resolve per_top_typ_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_top_typ_PER : PER per_top_typ.
  - eauto using per_top_typ_sym.
  - eauto using per_top_typ_trans.

Lemma per_nat_sym : forall m n,
    {{ Dom m n per_nat }} ->
    {{ Dom n m per_nat }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  induction 1; econstructor...

Hint Resolve per_nat_sym : mcltt.

Lemma per_nat_trans : forall m n l,
    {{ Dom m n per_nat }} ->
    {{ Dom n l per_nat }} ->
    {{ Dom m l per_nat }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * H. gen l.
  induction H; inversion_clear 1; econstructor...

Hint Resolve per_nat_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_nat_PER : PER per_nat.
  - eauto using per_nat_sym.
  - eauto using per_nat_trans.

Lemma per_ne_sym : forall m n,
    {{ Dom m n per_ne }} ->
    {{ Dom n m per_ne }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * [].

Hint Resolve per_ne_sym : mcltt.

Lemma per_ne_trans : forall m n l,
    {{ Dom m n per_ne }} ->
    {{ Dom n l per_ne }} ->
    {{ Dom m l per_ne }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros * [].
  inversion_clear 1.

Hint Resolve per_ne_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_ne_PER : PER per_ne.
  - eauto using per_ne_sym.
  - eauto using per_ne_trans.

Add Parametric Morphism i : (per_univ_elem i)
    with signature (@relation_equivalence domain) ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff as per_univ_elem_morphism_iff.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros R R' HRR'.
  split; intros Horig; [gen R' | gen R];
    induction Horig using per_univ_elem_ind; basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor; eauto;
    try (etransitivity; [symmetry + idtac|]; eassumption);

Add Parametric Morphism i : (per_univ_elem i)
    with signature (@relation_equivalence domain) ==> (@relation_equivalence domain) as per_univ_elem_morphism_relation_equivalence.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros ** a b.
  rewrite H.

Add Parametric Morphism i A ρ A' ρ' : (rel_typ i A ρ A' ρ')
    with signature (@relation_equivalence domain) ==> iff as rel_typ_morphism.
  intros * HRR'.
  split; intros []; econstructor; try eassumption;
    [setoid_rewrite <- HRR' | setoid_rewrite HRR']; eassumption.

Lemma domain_app_per : forall f f' a a',
  {{ Dom f f' per_bot }} ->
  {{ Dom a a' per_top }} ->
  {{ Dom f a f' a' per_bot }}.
  intros. intros s.
  destruct (H s) as [? []].
  destruct (H0 s) as [? []].

Ltac rewrite_relation_equivalence_left :=
  repeat match goal with
    | H : ?R1 <~> ?R2 |- _ =>
        try setoid_rewrite H;
        (on_all_hyp: fun H' => assert_fails (unify H H'); unmark H; setoid_rewrite H in H');
        let T := type of H in
        fold (id T) in H
    end; unfold id in *.

Ltac rewrite_relation_equivalence_right :=
  repeat match goal with
    | H : ?R1 <~> ?R2 |- _ =>
        try setoid_rewrite <- H;
        (on_all_hyp: fun H' => assert_fails (unify H H'); unmark H; setoid_rewrite <- H in H');
        let T := type of H in
        fold (id T) in H
    end; unfold id in *.

Ltac clear_relation_equivalence :=
  repeat match goal with
    | H : ?R1 <~> ?R2 |- _ =>
        (unify R1 R2; clear H) + (is_var R1; clear R1 H) + (is_var R2; clear R2 H)

Ltac apply_relation_equivalence :=

Lemma per_univ_elem_right_irrel : forall i i' R a b R' b',
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF a b' per_univ_elem i' R' }} ->
    (R <~> R').
Proof with (destruct_rel_mod_eval; destruct_rel_mod_app; functional_eval_rewrite_clear; econstructor; intuition).
  intros * Horig.
  remember a as a' in |- *.
  gen a' b' R'.
  induction Horig using per_univ_elem_ind; intros * Heq Hright;
    subst; basic_invert_per_univ_elem Hright; unfold per_univ;
    try reflexivity.
  specialize (IHHorig _ _ _ eq_refl equiv_a_a').
  split; intros.
  - rename equiv_c_c' into equiv0_c_c'.
    assert (equiv_c_c' : in_rel c c') by firstorder...
  - assert (equiv0_c_c' : in_rel0 c c') by firstorder...

Ltac per_univ_elem_right_irrel_assert1 :=
  match goal with
  | H1 : {{ DF ^?a ^?b per_univ_elem ?i ?R1 }},
      H2 : {{ DF ^?a ^?b' per_univ_elem ?i' ?R2 }} |- _ =>
      assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
      match goal with
      | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
      | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
      | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_univ_elem_right_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2])
Ltac per_univ_elem_right_irrel_assert := repeat per_univ_elem_right_irrel_assert1.

Lemma per_univ_elem_sym : forall i R a b,
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF b a per_univ_elem i R }} /\
      (forall m m',
          {{ Dom m m' R }} ->
          {{ Dom m' m R }}).
Proof with mautosolve.
  induction 1 using per_univ_elem_ind; subst.
  - split.
    + apply per_univ_elem_core_univ'; firstorder.
    + intros.
      rewrite H1 in *.
      destruct_by_head per_univ.
      eapply proj1...
  - split; [basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor | intros; apply_relation_equivalence]...
  - destruct_conjs.
    + basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor; eauto.
      assert (in_rel c' c) by eauto.
      assert (in_rel c c) by (etransitivity; eassumption).
      econstructor; eauto.
    + apply_relation_equivalence.
      assert (in_rel c' c) by eauto.
      assert (in_rel c c) by (etransitivity; eassumption).
      econstructor; eauto.
  - split; [econstructor | intros; apply_relation_equivalence]...

Corollary per_univ_sym : forall i R a b,
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF b a per_univ_elem i R }}.
  intros * ?%per_univ_elem_sym.

Corollary per_univ_sym' : forall i a b,
    {{ Dom a b per_univ i }} ->
    {{ Dom b a per_univ i }}.
  intros * [? ?%per_univ_elem_sym].

Corollary per_elem_sym : forall i R a b m m',
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ Dom m m' R }} ->
    {{ Dom m' m R }}.
  intros * ?%per_univ_elem_sym.

Corollary per_univ_elem_left_irrel : forall i i' R a b R' a',
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF a' b per_univ_elem i' R' }} ->
    (R <~> R').
  intros * ?%per_univ_sym ?%per_univ_sym.
  eauto using per_univ_elem_right_irrel.

Corollary per_univ_elem_cross_irrel : forall i i' R a b R' b',
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF b' a per_univ_elem i' R' }} ->
    (R <~> R').
  intros * ? ?%per_univ_sym.
  eauto using per_univ_elem_right_irrel.

Ltac do_per_univ_elem_irrel_assert1 :=
  let tactic_error o1 o2 := fail 2 "per_univ_elem_irrel biconditional between" o1 "and" o2 "cannot be solved" in
  match goal with
  | H1 : {{ DF ^?a ^_ per_univ_elem ?i ?R1 }},
      H2 : {{ DF ^?a ^_ per_univ_elem ?i' ?R2 }} |- _ =>
      assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
      match goal with
      | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
      | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
      | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_univ_elem_right_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2
  | H1 : {{ DF ^_ ^?b per_univ_elem ?i ?R1 }},
      H2 : {{ DF ^_ ^?b per_univ_elem ?i' ?R2 }} |- _ =>
      assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
      match goal with
      | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
      | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
      | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_univ_elem_left_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2
  | H1 : {{ DF ^?a ^_ per_univ_elem ?i ?R1 }},
      H2 : {{ DF ^_ ^?a per_univ_elem ?i' ?R2 }} |- _ =>
Order matters less here as H1 and H2 cannot be exchanged
      assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
      match goal with
      | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
      | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
      | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_univ_elem_cross_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2

Ltac do_per_univ_elem_irrel_assert :=
  repeat do_per_univ_elem_irrel_assert1.

Ltac handle_per_univ_elem_irrel :=

Lemma per_univ_elem_trans : forall i R a1 a2,
    per_univ_elem i R a1 a2 ->
    (forall j a3,
        per_univ_elem j R a2 a3 ->
        per_univ_elem i R a1 a3) /\
      (forall m1 m2 m3,
          R m1 m2 ->
          R m2 m3 ->
          R m1 m3).
Proof with (basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor; mautosolve 4).
  induction 1 using per_univ_elem_ind;
    [> split;
     [ intros * HT2; basic_invert_per_univ_elem HT2
     | intros * HTR1 HTR2; apply_relation_equivalence ] ..]; mauto.
univ case
    destruct HTR1, HTR2.
    specialize (H2 _ _ _ H0) as [].
nat case
pi case
    basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor; eauto.
    + handle_per_univ_elem_irrel.
    + intros.
      assert (in_rel c c') by firstorder.
      assert (in_rel c c) by intuition.
      assert (in_rel0 c c) by intuition.
fun case
    assert (in_rel c c) by intuition.
    econstructor; eauto.
neut case

Corollary per_univ_trans : forall i j R a1 a2 a3,
    per_univ_elem i R a1 a2 ->
    per_univ_elem j R a2 a3 ->
    per_univ_elem i R a1 a3.
  intros * ?%per_univ_elem_trans.

Corollary per_univ_trans' : forall i j a1 a2 a3,
    {{ Dom a1 a2 per_univ i }} ->
    {{ Dom a2 a3 per_univ j }} ->
    {{ Dom a1 a3 per_univ i }}.
  intros * [? ?] [? ?].
  firstorder mauto using per_univ_trans.

Corollary per_elem_trans : forall i R a1 a2 m1 m2 m3,
    per_univ_elem i R a1 a2 ->
    R m1 m2 ->
    R m2 m3 ->
    R m1 m3.
  intros * ?% per_univ_elem_trans.

Instance per_univ_PER {i R} : PER (per_univ_elem i R).
  - auto using per_univ_sym.
  - eauto using per_univ_trans.

Instance per_univ_PER' {i} : PER (per_univ i).
  - auto using per_univ_sym'.
  - eauto using per_univ_trans'.

Instance per_elem_PER {i R a b} `(H : per_univ_elem i R a b) : PER R.
  - pose proof (fun m m' => per_elem_sym _ _ _ _ m m' H). eauto.
  - pose proof (fun m0 m1 m2 => per_elem_trans _ _ _ _ m0 m1 m2 H); eauto.

This lemma gets rid of the unnecessary PER premise.
Lemma per_univ_elem_pi' :
  forall i a a' ρ B ρ' B'
    (in_rel : relation domain)
    (out_rel : forall {c c'} (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}), relation domain)
    {{ DF a a' per_univ_elem i in_rel}} ->
    (forall {c c'} (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}),
        rel_mod_eval (per_univ_elem i) B d{{{ ρ c }}} B' d{{{ ρ' c' }}} (out_rel equiv_c_c')) ->
    (elem_rel <~> fun f f' => forall c c' (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}), rel_mod_app f c f' c' (out_rel equiv_c_c')) ->
    {{ DF Π a ρ B Π a' ρ' B' per_univ_elem i elem_rel }}.
  basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor; eauto.
  typeclasses eauto.

Ltac per_univ_elem_econstructor :=
  (repeat intro; hnf; eapply per_univ_elem_pi') + basic_per_univ_elem_econstructor.

Hint Resolve per_univ_elem_pi' : mcltt.

Lemma per_univ_elem_pi_clean_inversion : forall {i j a a' in_rel ρ ρ' B B' elem_rel},
    {{ DF a a' per_univ_elem i in_rel }} ->
    {{ DF Π a ρ B Π a' ρ' B' per_univ_elem j elem_rel }} ->
    exists (out_rel : forall {c c'} (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}), relation domain),
      (forall c c' (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}),
          rel_mod_eval (per_univ_elem j) B d{{{ ρ c }}} B' d{{{ ρ' c' }}} (out_rel equiv_c_c')) /\
        (elem_rel <~> fun f f' => forall c c' (equiv_c_c' : {{ Dom c c' in_rel }}), rel_mod_app f c f' c' (out_rel equiv_c_c')).
  intros * Ha .
  basic_invert_per_univ_elem .
  - instantiate (1 := fun c c' (equiv_c_c' : in_rel c c') m m' =>
                        forall R,
                          rel_typ j B d{{{ ρ c }}} B' d{{{ ρ' c' }}} R ->
                          R m m').
    assert (in_rel0 c c') by intuition.
    (on_all_hyp: destruct_rel_by_assumption in_rel0).
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply -> per_univ_elem_morphism_iff; eauto.
    split; intuition.
    destruct_by_head rel_typ.
  - split; intros;
      [assert (in_rel0 c c') by intuition; (on_all_hyp: destruct_rel_by_assumption in_rel0)
      | assert (in_rel c c') by intuition; (on_all_hyp: destruct_rel_by_assumption in_rel)];
      econstructor; intuition.
    destruct_by_head rel_typ.

Ltac invert_per_univ_elem H :=
  (unshelve eapply (per_univ_elem_pi_clean_inversion _) in H; shelve_unifiable; [eassumption |]; destruct H as [? []])
  + basic_invert_per_univ_elem H.

Lemma per_univ_elem_cumu : forall i a0 a1 R,
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem (S i) R }}.
Proof with solve [eauto].
  induction 1 using per_univ_elem_ind; subst;
    per_univ_elem_econstructor; eauto.

Hint Resolve per_univ_elem_cumu : mcltt.

Lemma per_univ_elem_cumu_ge : forall i i' a0 a1 R,
    i <= i' ->
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem i' R }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  induction 1...

Hint Resolve per_univ_elem_cumu_ge : mcltt.

Lemma per_univ_elem_cumu_max_left : forall i j a0 a1 R,
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem (max i j) R }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  assert (i <= max i j) by lia...

Lemma per_univ_elem_cumu_max_right : forall i j a0 a1 R,
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem j R }} ->
    {{ DF a0 a1 per_univ_elem (max i j) R }}.
Proof with mautosolve.
  assert (j <= max i j) by lia...

Lemma per_subtyp_to_univ_elem : forall a b i,
    {{ Sub a <: b at i }} ->
    exists R R',
      {{ DF a a per_univ_elem i R }} /\
        {{ DF b b per_univ_elem i R' }}.
  destruct 1; do 2 eexists; mauto;
    split; per_univ_elem_econstructor; mauto;
    try apply Equivalence_Reflexive.

Lemma per_elem_subtyping : forall A B i,
    {{ Sub A <: B at i }} ->
    forall R R' a b,
      {{ DF A A per_univ_elem i R }} ->
      {{ DF B B per_univ_elem i R' }} ->
      R a b ->
      R' a b.
  induction 1; intros;
    (on_all_hyp: fun H => directed invert_per_univ_elem H);
  - firstorder mauto.
  - intros.
    saturate_refl_for per_univ_elem.
    econstructor; eauto.

Lemma per_elem_subtyping_gen : forall a b i a' b' R R' m n,
    {{ Sub a <: b at i }} ->
    {{ DF a a' per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF b b' per_univ_elem i R' }} ->
    R m n ->
    R' m n.
  eapply per_elem_subtyping; saturate_refl; try eassumption.

Lemma per_subtyp_refl1 : forall a b i R,
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ Sub a <: b at i }}.
  simpl; induction 1 using per_univ_elem_ind;
  assert ({{ DF Π a ρ B Π a' ρ' B' per_univ_elem i elem_rel }})
    by (eapply per_univ_elem_pi'; eauto; intros; destruct_rel_mod_eval; mauto).
  econstructor; eauto.

Hint Resolve per_subtyp_refl1 : mcltt.

Lemma per_subtyp_refl2 : forall a b i R,
    {{ DF a b per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ Sub b <: a at i }}.
  symmetry in H.
  eauto using per_subtyp_refl1.

Hint Resolve per_subtyp_refl2 : mcltt.

Lemma per_subtyp_trans : forall a1 a2 i,
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at i }} ->
    forall a3,
      {{ Sub a2 <: a3 at i }} ->
      {{ Sub a1 <: a3 at i }}.
  induction 1; intros ? Hsub; simpl in *.
  1-3: progressive_inversion; mauto.
  - econstructor; lia.
  - dependent destruction Hsub.
    econstructor; eauto.
    + etransitivity; eassumption.
    + intros.
      (on_all_hyp: fun H => directed invert_per_univ_elem H).

Hint Resolve per_subtyp_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_subtyp_trans_ins i : Transitive (per_subtyp i).
  eauto using per_subtyp_trans.

Lemma per_subtyp_transp : forall a b i a' b' R R',
    {{ Sub a <: b at i }} ->
    {{ DF a a' per_univ_elem i R }} ->
    {{ DF b b' per_univ_elem i R' }} ->
    {{ Sub a' <: b' at i }}.
  mauto using per_subtyp_refl1, per_subtyp_refl2.

Lemma per_subtyp_cumu : forall a1 a2 i,
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at i }} ->
    forall j,
      i <= j ->
      {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at j }}.
  induction 1; intros; econstructor; mauto.

Hint Resolve per_subtyp_cumu : mcltt.

Lemma per_subtyp_cumu_left : forall a1 a2 i j,
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at i }} ->
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at max i j }}.
  intros. eapply per_subtyp_cumu; try eassumption.

Lemma per_subtyp_cumu_right : forall a1 a2 i j,
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at i }} ->
    {{ Sub a1 <: a2 at max j i }}.
  intros. eapply per_subtyp_cumu; try eassumption.

Add Parametric Morphism : per_ctx_env
    with signature (@relation_equivalence env) ==> eq ==> eq ==> iff as per_ctx_env_morphism_iff.
Proof with mautosolve.
  intros R R' HRR'.
  split; intro Horig; [gen R' | gen R];
    induction Horig; econstructor;
    apply_relation_equivalence; try reflexivity...

Add Parametric Morphism : per_ctx_env
    with signature (@relation_equivalence env) ==> (@relation_equivalence ctx) as per_ctx_env_morphism_relation_equivalence.
  intros * HRR' Γ Γ'.
  rewrite HRR'.

Lemma per_ctx_env_right_irrel : forall Γ Δ Δ' R R',
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Γ Δ' per_ctx_env R' }} ->
    R <~> R'.
Proof with (destruct_rel_typ; handle_per_univ_elem_irrel; eexists; intuition).
  intros * Horig; gen Δ' R'.
  induction Horig; intros * Hright;
    inversion Hright; subst;
    try reflexivity.
  specialize (IHHorig _ _ equiv_Γ_Γ'0).
  intros ρ ρ'.
  split; intros [].
  - assert {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel0 }} by intuition...
  - assert {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel }} by intuition...

Lemma per_ctx_env_sym : forall Γ Δ R,
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Δ Γ per_ctx_env R }} /\
      (forall ρ ρ',
          {{ Dom ρ ρ' R }} ->
          {{ Dom ρ' ρ R }}).
Proof with solve [intuition].
  induction 1; split; simpl in *; destruct_conjs; try econstructor; intuition;
    pose proof (@relation_equivalence_pointwise env).
  - assert (tail_rel ρ' ρ) by eauto.
    assert (tail_rel ρ ρ) by (etransitivity; eassumption).
    econstructor; eauto.
  - apply_relation_equivalence.
    assert (tail_rel d{{{ ρ' }}} d{{{ ρ }}}) by eauto.
    assert (tail_rel d{{{ ρ }}} d{{{ ρ }}}) by (etransitivity; eassumption).
    eexists; symmetry; handle_per_univ_elem_irrel; intuition.

Corollary per_ctx_sym : forall Γ Δ R,
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Δ Γ per_ctx_env R }}.
  intros * ?%per_ctx_env_sym.

Corollary per_env_sym : forall Γ Δ R ρ ρ',
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ Dom ρ ρ' R }} ->
    {{ Dom ρ' ρ R }}.
  intros * ?%per_ctx_env_sym.

Corollary per_ctx_env_left_irrel : forall Γ Γ' Δ R R',
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Γ' Δ per_ctx_env R' }} ->
    R <~> R'.
  intros * ?%per_ctx_sym ?%per_ctx_sym.
  eauto using per_ctx_env_right_irrel.

Corollary per_ctx_env_cross_irrel : forall Γ Δ Δ' R R',
    {{ DF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Δ' Γ per_ctx_env R' }} ->
    R <~> R'.
  intros * ? ?%per_ctx_sym.
  eauto using per_ctx_env_right_irrel.

Ltac do_per_ctx_env_irrel_assert1 :=
  let tactic_error o1 o2 := fail 3 "per_ctx_env_irrel equality between" o1 "and" o2 "cannot be solved" in
  match goal with
    | H1 : {{ DF ^?Γ ^_ per_ctx_env ?R1 }},
        H2 : {{ DF ^?Γ ^_ per_ctx_env ?R2 }} |- _ =>
        assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
        match goal with
        | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
        | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
        | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_ctx_env_right_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2
    | H1 : {{ DF ^_ ^?Δ per_ctx_env ?R1 }},
        H2 : {{ DF ^_ ^?Δ per_ctx_env ?R2 }} |- _ =>
        assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
        match goal with
        | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
        | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
        | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_ctx_env_left_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2
    | H1 : {{ DF ^?Γ ^_ per_ctx_env ?R1 }},
        H2 : {{ DF ^_ ^?Γ per_ctx_env ?R2 }} |- _ =>
Order matters less here as H1 and H2 cannot be exchanged
        assert_fails (unify R1 R2);
        match goal with
        | H : R1 <~> R2 |- _ => fail 1
        | H : R2 <~> R1 |- _ => fail 1
        | _ => assert (R1 <~> R2) by (eapply per_ctx_env_cross_irrel; [apply H1 | apply H2]) || tactic_error R1 R2

Ltac do_per_ctx_env_irrel_assert :=
  repeat do_per_ctx_env_irrel_assert1.

Ltac handle_per_ctx_env_irrel :=

Lemma per_ctx_env_trans : forall Γ1 Γ2 R,
    {{ DF Γ1 Γ2 per_ctx_env R }} ->
    (forall Γ3,
        {{ DF Γ2 Γ3 per_ctx_env R }} ->
        {{ DF Γ1 Γ3 per_ctx_env R }}) /\
      (forall ρ1 ρ2 ρ3,
          {{ Dom ρ1 ρ2 R }} ->
          {{ Dom ρ2 ρ3 R }} ->
          {{ Dom ρ1 ρ3 R }}).
Proof with solve [eauto using per_univ_trans].
  induction 1; subst;
    [> split;
     [ inversion 1; subst; eauto
     | intros; destruct_conjs; eauto] ..];
    pose proof (@relation_equivalence_pointwise env);
    try solve [intuition].
  - econstructor; only 4: reflexivity; eauto.
    + apply_relation_equivalence. intuition.
    + intros.
      assert (tail_rel ρ ρ) by intuition.
      assert (tail_rel0 ρ ρ') by intuition.
      econstructor; intuition.
This one cannot be replaced with `etransitivity` as we need different `i`s.
      eapply per_univ_trans; [| eassumption]; eassumption.
  - destruct_conjs.
    assert (tail_rel d{{{ ρ1 }}} d{{{ ρ3 }}}) by eauto.
    etransitivity; intuition.

Corollary per_ctx_trans : forall Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 R,
    {{ DF Γ1 Γ2 per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Γ2 Γ3 per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ DF Γ1 Γ3 per_ctx_env R }}.
  intros * ?% per_ctx_env_trans.

Corollary per_env_trans : forall Γ1 Γ2 R ρ1 ρ2 ρ3,
    {{ DF Γ1 Γ2 per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ Dom ρ1 ρ2 R }} ->
    {{ Dom ρ2 ρ3 R }} ->
    {{ Dom ρ1 ρ3 R }}.
  intros * ?% per_ctx_env_trans.

Instance per_ctx_PER {R} : PER (per_ctx_env R).
  - auto using per_ctx_sym.
  - eauto using per_ctx_trans.

Instance per_env_PER {R Γ Δ} (H : per_ctx_env R Γ Δ) : PER R.
  - pose proof (fun ρ ρ' => per_env_sym _ _ _ ρ ρ' H); auto.
  - pose proof (fun ρ0 ρ1 ρ2 => per_env_trans _ _ _ ρ0 ρ1 ρ2 H); eauto.

This lemma removes the PER argument
Lemma per_ctx_env_cons' : forall {Γ Γ' i A A' tail_rel}
                             (head_rel : forall {ρ ρ'} (equiv_ρ_ρ' : {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel }}), relation domain)
    {{ EF Γ Γ' per_ctx_env tail_rel }} ->
    (forall {ρ ρ'} (equiv_ρ_ρ' : {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel }}),
        rel_typ i A ρ A' ρ' (head_rel equiv_ρ_ρ')) ->
    (env_rel <~> fun ρ ρ' =>
         exists (equiv_ρ_drop_ρ'_drop : {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel }}),
           {{ Dom ^(ρ 0) ^(ρ' 0) head_rel equiv_ρ_drop_ρ'_drop }}) ->
    {{ EF Γ, A Γ', A' per_ctx_env env_rel }}.
  econstructor; eauto.
  typeclasses eauto.

Hint Resolve per_ctx_env_cons' : mcltt.

Ltac per_ctx_env_econstructor :=
  (repeat intro; hnf; eapply per_ctx_env_cons') + econstructor.

Lemma per_ctx_env_cons_clean_inversion : forall {Γ Γ' env_relΓ A A' env_relΓA},
    {{ EF Γ Γ' per_ctx_env env_relΓ }} ->
    {{ EF Γ, A Γ', A' per_ctx_env env_relΓA }} ->
    exists i (head_rel : forall {ρ ρ'} (equiv_ρ_ρ' : {{ Dom ρ ρ' env_relΓ }}), relation domain),
      (forall ρ ρ' (equiv_ρ_ρ' : {{ Dom ρ ρ' env_relΓ }}),
          rel_typ i A ρ A' ρ' (head_rel equiv_ρ_ρ')) /\
        (env_relΓA <~> fun ρ ρ' =>
             exists (equiv_ρ_drop_ρ'_drop : {{ Dom ρ ρ' env_relΓ }}),
               {{ Dom ^(ρ 0) ^(ρ' 0) head_rel equiv_ρ_drop_ρ'_drop }}).
Proof with intuition.
  intros * HΓA.
  inversion HΓA; subst.
  split; intros.
  - instantiate (1 := fun ρ ρ' (equiv_ρ_ρ' : env_relΓ ρ ρ') m m' =>
                        forall R,
                          rel_typ i A ρ A' ρ' R ->
                          {{ Dom m m' R }}).
    assert (tail_rel ρ ρ') by intuition.
    (on_all_hyp: destruct_rel_by_assumption tail_rel).
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply -> per_univ_elem_morphism_iff; eauto.
    split; intros...
    destruct_by_head rel_typ.
  - intros ρ ρ'.
    split; intros; destruct_conjs;
      assert {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel }} by intuition;
      (on_all_hyp: destruct_rel_by_assumption tail_rel);
      unshelve eexists; intros...
    destruct_by_head rel_typ.

Ltac invert_per_ctx_env H :=
  (unshelve eapply (per_ctx_env_cons_clean_inversion _) in H; [eassumption | |]; destruct H as [? [? []]])
  + (inversion H; subst).

Lemma per_ctx_respects_length : forall {Γ Γ'},
    {{ Exp Γ Γ' per_ctx }} ->
    length Γ = length Γ'.
  intros * [? H].
  induction H; simpl; congruence.

Lemma per_ctx_subtyp_to_env : forall Γ Δ,
    {{ SubE Γ <: Δ }} ->
    exists R R',
      {{ EF Γ Γ per_ctx_env R }} /\
        {{ EF Δ Δ per_ctx_env R' }}.
  destruct 1; destruct_all.
  - repeat eexists; econstructor; apply Equivalence_Reflexive.
  - eauto.

Lemma per_ctx_env_subtyping : forall Γ Δ,
    {{ SubE Γ <: Δ }} ->
    forall R R' ρ ρ',
      {{ EF Γ Γ per_ctx_env R }} ->
      {{ EF Δ Δ per_ctx_env R' }} ->
      R ρ ρ' ->
      R' ρ ρ'.
  induction 1; intros;
    (on_all_hyp: fun H => directed invert_per_ctx_env H);

  assert {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel0 }} by intuition.
  unshelve eexists; [eassumption |].
  eapply per_elem_subtyping with (i := max x (max i0 i)); try eassumption.
  - eauto using per_subtyp_cumu_right.
  - saturate_refl.
    eauto using per_univ_elem_cumu_max_left.
  - saturate_refl.
    eauto using per_univ_elem_cumu_max_left, per_univ_elem_cumu_max_right.

Lemma per_ctx_subtyp_refl1 : forall Γ Δ R,
    {{ EF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ SubE Γ <: Δ }}.
  induction 1; mauto.

  assert (exists R, {{ EF Γ , A Γ' , A' per_ctx_env R }}) by
    (eexists; eapply per_ctx_env_cons'; eassumption).
  econstructor; try solve [saturate_refl; mauto 2].
  eauto using per_subtyp_refl1.

Lemma per_ctx_subtyp_refl2 : forall Γ Δ R,
    {{ EF Γ Δ per_ctx_env R }} ->
    {{ SubE Δ <: Γ }}.
  intros. symmetry in H. eauto using per_ctx_subtyp_refl1.

Lemma per_ctx_subtyp_trans : forall Γ1 Γ2,
    {{ SubE Γ1 <: Γ2 }} ->
    forall Γ3,
      {{ SubE Γ2 <: Γ3 }} ->
      {{ SubE Γ1 <: Γ3 }}.
  induction 1; intros;
    (on_all_hyp: fun H => directed invert_per_ctx_env H);
    mauto 1;

  econstructor; try eassumption.
  - firstorder.
  - instantiate (1 := max i i0).
    assert {{ Dom ρ ρ' tail_rel0 }} by (eapply per_ctx_env_subtyping; revgoals; eassumption).
    saturate_refl_for tail_rel.
    + intuition mauto using per_subtyp_cumu_left.
    + intuition mauto using per_subtyp_cumu_right.
  - econstructor; intuition.
    + typeclasses eauto.
    + solve_refl.

Hint Resolve per_ctx_subtyp_trans : mcltt.

Instance per_ctx_subtyp_trans_ins : Transitive per_ctx_subtyp.
  eauto using per_ctx_subtyp_trans.